>> Project by: Dectronica // Click to see more <<


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This forecast is based on the National Weather Service data for the Central + Outer Sunset. The goal here is to use that data to highlight hours conducive to clear skies.

I call them Blue Hours.

When the temperature is far enough from the dew point and the winds are light, or when the forecasted temperature is high enough, we've got a better chance of sunshine than marine layer.

This is a work in progress. I'd love to hear your feedback at [email protected]

Sunset + Richmond Forecast

Forecast Overview


When are the blue hours?


How many blue hours per day?

Temperature / Dew Point

Hourly Temperature over dew point

Temp - Dew Delta

Higher delta = less fog

What is a Blue Hour?

  • (TEMP - DEW) > 10
  • When the air is this dry, clear skies are likely, regardless of wind.


  • (TEMP-DEW) > 5
  • AND

  • WIND < 10 mph


  • TEMP > 65 deg
  • AND

  • DEW < 60 deg

Days with hours like these, especially in the morning, seem likely to be sunny as opposed to foggy / overcast in the Sunset / Richmond

NOTE: This model is under active development.

Forecast Data Last Updated:

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